Scientific journal
Mission and policy
The journal was created in order to provide with a modern quality of education through the preservation of its fundamental nature and meets the current needs of individuals, society and the government. The publication is intended to help to strengthen, to enhance the integrity of scientific and information space of Russia and its successful integration into the world scientific information space.
This journal is addressed to those who develop strategic directions of modern science: scientists, postgraduates, master students, engineering and technical workers, teachers, who provide with a high quality of engineering education based on its fundamental nature of information and use of the latest achievements of science and technology.
On the pages of the journal are being actively discussed the most urgent problems of modern science and the results of basic research in the field of economic sciences and environmental issues.
Editorial policy is based on the traditional ethical principles of the Russian scientific periodicals, It supports the code of ethics of scientific publications made by the Committee by means of Ethics of Scientific Publications (Russia, Moscow) and it is based on regard of ethical work of editors and publishers, enshrined in the code of conduct and the best practice guidelines for the editor (Code of conduct and best practice guidelines for journal editors) and the code of behavior for journal publishers (Сode conduct for journal publishers), elaborated by Committee on publication ethics Commitee on publication ethics(COPE).
Scientific directions
1. Economics and Management of National Economy
2. Ecology (its brunches)
3. Melioration, recultiviation and land protection
Publishing information
Founders: Don State Technical University, Don State Agrarian University
Publisher: Don State Technical University
Chief-editor: Cheshev A.S.
Address, phone number and e-mail of edition: 344000, Rostov-on-Don, Gagarina sq, 1, ph.n. 8(863)2 738 372, e-mail:
The journal has been published since 2014.It is published 4 times in a year. Distribution: The Russian Federation.
The certificate of registration of mass media PI No FS 77-67439 from 13.10.2016.
One can subscribe to the magazine through the agency “Rospechyat”.
Publication index Rospechyat catalog – 81001
ISSN 2413-1474
DOI 10.23947/issn.2413-1474
Economy and ecology of territorial formations.
ISSN 2413-1474 (Print)
Printing frequency
4 issues per year
Year of establishing- 2004
Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education «Don State University», Rostov-on-Don, the Russian Federation. Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education «Don State Agrarian University», Persiyanovkiy village, Oktyabrskiy region, the Russian Federation.
Publishing house
Publishing Center of «Don State Technical University», Rostov-on-Don, the Russian Federation.
Place of publishing
«Don State Technical University», Rostov-on-Don, the Russian Federation.
The language of publishing
The journal is published both in the Russian and English Languages
Goals and objectives
Economy and ecology of territorial formations is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that covers issues in the field of economic development and management of economy, ecology, land management, land reclamation and environmental protection. The concept of the journal is to publish scientific researches and developments, contributing to the development of existing scientific fields and creation of new scientific ones in the relevant fields of science.
The goals of the journal are to provide professional community with credible and reliable information concerning the most promising and original research results in the field of economy, ecology, land management, land reclamation and environmental protection, made in the scientific, educational and industrial organizations.
The objectives of the journal are: coverage of scientific and practical results in the field of economics and management, environmental protection, land management, land reclamation and protection of natural resources; the creation of a single scientific platform for the integration of knowledge and experience of domestic and foreign scientists and experts in these areas; approbation of research results; free open access to research results; creation of conditions for the global exchange of scientific knowledge.
Journal functioning is focused on maintaining its high academic status, authority and compliance with the criteria established by the standards of Russian and international scientific communities, as well as the international publishing.
The competitive advantages of the journal are: development of innovative methods of economic development and management in the construction and agricultural sector; development of effective methods of greening the construction and agricultural industries; development of effective methods of land reclamation, land management and land conservation.
Articles placed in a journal are devoted to economic and technical sciences.
The journal accepts for publication original articles by Russian and foreign scientists and practitioners, including young ones.
Sections of the journal
08.00.05- Economics and Management of National Economy(Economy, organization and management of enterprises, branches, complexes; Innovation management; Regional economics; Labor Economics; Environmental economics; Economic security; System of land tenure).
03.02.08- Ecology(its brunches)
06.01.02- Melioration, recultiviation and land protection
Policy of free access
This journal provides an immediate open access to its content on the basis of the following principle: free open access to research contributes to global knowledge sharing.
Google Academy
Publications in the journal "Economy and ecology of territorial entities" are included in the calculations of the index system of authors and journals citing. "Citation Index" is a numerical indicator of the article significance which is calculated on the basis of the following publications that have links to this article.
The journal is indexed in the following systems:
Russian Science Citation Index- bibliographic and reference pointer is implemented as a database, accumulating information on the publications of Russian scientists in Russian and foreign scientific journals.
Google Academy (Google Scholar)- available searching system that indexes the full text of scientific publications of all formats and disciplines.
The ethics of scientific publications
All articles submitted for publication in the journal "Economy and ecology territorial entities" are reviewed for originality, ethics and value. Compliance with the standards of ethical behavior is important for all parties involved in the publication: authors, editors, reviewers, publishers. These provisions are based on the Guidelines for Good Practice of scientific publications on the Ethics of Scientific Publications Committee.
Publication fee
All publications for authors in the journal is free.
The editors do not charge a fee to authors for the preparation, distribution and printing materials
Disclosure policy and conflicts of interests
Unpublished data from submitted manuscripts for consideration cannot be used for personal research without the express of an author’s written consent. Information or ideas obtained through a peer review and associated with potential benefits must be kept confident and not be used for the purpose of personal gain. Reviewers should not take into consideration the manuscripts in case of conflicts of interest as a result of competition and other collaborative interactions and relationships with any of the authors, companies or any other organizations, connected with a given article.
Borrowings and plagiarism
The editorial board of the journal "Economy and ecology of territorial entities" may verify the material by using Antiplagiat system. In case of multiple borrowings the editorial board operates in accordance with COPE rules.
The policy of placement of preprints and postprints.
In the process of an article applying an author must confirm that the article has not been published or has not been accepted for publication in another journal. While referring to a published article in the journal "Economy and ecology of territorial entities" a link to the official website of the journal must be indicated (the full URL of the material).
Peer review
The arrangement for reviewing of scientific papers manuscripts submitted to the journal "Economy and ecology of territorial entities."
Reviewing and editing of all incoming manuscripts the Editorial Board implements in accordance with the requirements for publication of scientific literature. Editorial board has a right to accept an article for publication, reject it or advise to an author to expand an article.
Leading scientists and experts make peer reviews. The database of reviewers constantly updates. A new reviewer is assigned to every article. The Selection process of the reviewers is performed by editorial board members, taking into account the interests of a professional reviewer.
The journal uses a bilateral peer review (authors do not know the names of reviewers and vice versa).
Articles are sent to reviewers to get them to know and write a review. Transferring of article materials to the third parties must be always agreed with the editors.
The given preparation time for experts are 2 weeks. If there is a delay with a response, a reviewer sends the corresponding request. If the delay is significant, another reviewer is selected.
If a reviewer gives a positive feedback without any refining, an article is included in the editorial portfolio for the approval of the editorial board and for a subsequent signature for the further publishing. If a reviewer gives a positive feedback with the recommendation ofmodifications, an author makes corrections agreed with a reviewer, after this an article shall be submitted to the editorial board meeting for approval.
If a reviewer has got a negative feedback without anymodifications, a motivated refusal, signed by the deputy editor, will be sent to an author. All articles that have received a positive feedback from reviewers would be submitted for approval at the editorial board meeting. Every article is represented at the meeting by a member of the editorial board having participated in article reviewing or who is a specialist in the article’s profile. The final decision concerning the article approval for publication or its rejection is taken by the editorial board.
Not allowed to be published:
- articles which are not issued according to the requirements of a scientific publication;
- articles without technical modifications;
- articles, in which authors do not carry out constructive comments from a reviewer
Rejected articles have a right to be sent to the editorial board again after all modifications.
Reviews are kept in the editorial office for 5 years.
Editorial office has a right to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education.
1. A decision to publish
1.1 The Editorial Board of a reviewed journal "Economy and ecology of territorial entities" is responsible for deciding which articles will be published in the journal. Decision is made on the basis of the provided article reviews.
1.2 The editorial board of the journal adheres to policies and actions in the framework of legal requirements, since it is responsible for copyright infringement. The editor may confer with other editors, as well as with members of the Editorial Board for taking a decision.
2. Confidentiality
2.1 Reviewers or any member of the editorial board must not disclose any information of a submitted manuscript to anyone except the author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers and the publisher as it is confidential.
3. Information disclosure and conflict of interest
3.1 Unpublished materials are provided in the article should not be used in its own study of the scientific editor and reviewers without a written permission of the author.
Duties of reviewers
Reviewers assist to a scientific editor in making editorial decisions and help authors to improve their article
1.1. Any manuscripts received for the review must be seen as confidential documents. They cannot be displayed or negotiated with other people, except those who are authorized by the editors
2. Confirmation of sources
2.1 Reviewers should identify the published work that has not been cited by the author. Any statement and observation must be accompanied with the corresponding link. The reviewer should also bring to the attention of the editorial board about any substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript, which is reviewed and another already published work, which he is familiar with.
3. Disclosure of information and conflict of interests.
3.1 Private information or ideas that have arisen in the review process should remain confidential and cannot be used for personal gain. The reviewer should not deal with the manuscript if there is a conflict of interest as a result of its competitive, partnerships or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or organizations related to the publication of the material.
Duties of authors
1. Originality and plagiarism
1.1 The authors should ensure that they have written original works and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others, it/they must be cited or quoted.
2. Data access and security
2.1. The author must be willing to provide an access to data related to the publication of material if possible. In any case, the author must be willing to keep such data for a reasonable period of time after publication.
3. Reusable, excessive or competing publication
3.1 The author does not publish works that describe essentially the same survey more than once or in more than one journal.
3.2 Providing with the manuscript to more than one journal at the time means unethical publishing behavior and it is unacceptable.
4. Confirmation of sources
4.1 It is necessary to provide with a proper proof of other authors’ works. Authors should cite publications that have made significance in creating the declared work.
5. Authorship material
5.1 Authorship must be restricted to those persons who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution and interpretation of the declared work. Everyone who has made a significant contribution should be included in co-authors list.
5.2 The author must ensure that the list contains only of the actual authors and it is not made by those who have nothing to do with this work, as well as the fact that all co-authors have read and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its publication.
6. Disclosure of Information and Conflict of Interest
6.1. All authors are required to report if their work has a financial or other conflict of interest that may influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript.
7. Errors in published papers
7.1 When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his published work, his duty is to notify immediately to the journal or publisher and cooperate with the editorial board for correction of errors.
An author directing an article to a journal expresses thereby its consent to its publication in a journal, on its placement in open access on the journal's website on the Internet, the transmission of the text (including references, bibliographic information, and so on. D.) to persons, the provision of information which data is mandatory.
The responsibility for the articles and its actual materials and data is taken by authors.
Materials which are placed in the journal reflect author’s personal points of views, which may differ from the standpoint of the editorial board.
The decision of publishing or rejecting the material is received by the editorial board.
Fee for publication will be not charged. Royalties for the publication of articles are not charged.
The editors have the right to reject an improperly made article or an article which is not related to the subject of headings materials. The editors do not enter into a discussion with the authors of rejected materials.
The editors reserve the right to make editorial changes and the reduction of the manuscript.
The most important part of the editorial policy is the "Code of Conduct" covering a wide range of problems, such as issues of interaction with representatives of other media, public authorities, public institutions and consumer information product.
The editors deals with articles submitted electronically and by mail (letter, registered mail, parcel post) with all supporting documents.
Papers should be prepared in accordance with the rules of preparation of manuscripts
All incoming articles are analyzed for compliance with the subject of the journal. If the article does not refer to the subject of the journal, the authors are directed a refusal for publishing .
Article, the content of which does not correspond to the subject of the journal, entered into the database, they are assigned with serial numbers.
The editorial board and the editorial board of the journal "Economy and ecology of territorial entities" adhere to standards of publication ethics, protect the reputation of the authors and all cases of plagiarism.