Founders: Don State Technical University, Don State Agrarian University
Publisher: Don State Technical University
Chief editor - chairman of editorial board
Cheshev Anatoly Stepanovich
Cheshev Anatoly Stepanovich, Doctor of Economics, professor, chief editor of the journal “Economy and ecology of territorial formations”. He graduated from Voronezh Agricultural Institute, specialty “Landmanagment”, 1963. Honored land manager of RSFSR, corresponding member of RANS, academician of AAR, academician of RANS. He has Order for Services for the Motherland (2nd class). Research interests: Economics of AIC; natural resources; land management; cadastral activities; monitoring and protection of land. The author of over 200research papers. Prepared 37 candidates and 5 doctors of sciences.
Sukhomlinova Natalia Borisovna
Sukhomlinova Natalia Borisovna.Doctor of Economics, Professor. Graduated from the Novocherkassk Engineering Institute, specializing hydrotechnical melioration in 1978 and State University of Land Management, specialty “Landmanagment”in 1993. Doctor of economics, specialty 08.00.05 - Economy and management of national economy: environmental economics. Honorared Landmanager of Russia, Honored Worker of Higher Education. Research interests: Ecological and economic aspects of the use of land resources. Author of over 130 publications. Prepared 3 candidates of sciences.
Elena Olegovna Myrgorodskaya
Elena Olegovna Myrgorodskaya, Doctor of Economics, professor, head of department of Don State Technical University.
Ksenia Vladimirovna Tikhonova
Ksenia Vladimirovna Tikhonova, the Candidate of Economic Sciences, the associate professor «Economy of Environmental Management and Inventory» of the Don state technical university.
Safronov Andrew Evgenievich
Safronov Andrew Evgenievich - doctor of economics, professor, Don State Technical University.
Nadezhda Anatolyevna Shevchenko
Shevchenko Nadezhda Anatolievna - Technical journal secretary - manager of STI and scientific publications of Don State Technical University.
Editorial board
Sergey Volkov
Sergey Volkov, professor, academician, doctor of economics. Graduated from Moscow Institute of Land Management, specialty “Engineer of landmanagment”, 1974. Participation in public academies: Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the International Academy of Agricultural Education, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Participation in the dissertation councils: Chairman of the Dissertation Council D.220.025.02 at the State University of Land Management; specialty 08.00.05 - Economy and management of national economics (land management) in economic sciences. Government awards - Jubilee medal "For Valiant Labor. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of VI Lenin, in 1971 the honorary title –" Distinguished Scientist of Russia", 1997 ; “Order of Merit”, 2001 .; Order "For Services to the Fatherland» IV degree, 2006. President’s Gratitude of Federation’s Council of the Federal Assembly, 2011; State’s Duma Diploma of the Russian Federation Federal Assembly , 2011; the Order of Friendship, 2013; Laureate of the Russian Federation Government Prize in Education, 2013. . Participation in editorial boards of scientific journals, "Journal of the Russian Register", "Economics of agricultural and processing enterprises," "Land management, cadaster and monitoring of lands", "AIC: Economics, Management", "Real Estate Cadaster", "Cadastral Bulletin", "Education . The sciences. Brainpower "Journal of Agricultural Economists", "Agriculture and Food Policy of Russia», «Interactive Agricultural Ecological Journal", "Sustainable use of natural resources", "International Agricultural Journal (land relations and land management)", "Geodesy and Cartography", "Izvestia ", "Bulletin of the state examination ". Research interests: Economics of land management, land tenure, agricultural economics, land use planning, rational use and protection of land Number of scientific publications in the field of knowledge - 623. Prepared 9 doctors and 25 candidates of sciences.
Komov Nikolai Vasilevich
Komov Nikolai Vasilevich, Doctor of Economics, Professor. Graduated from Voronezh SAU, in 1963, specialty - "Engineer -Land manager". Participation in public academies: Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, former chairman of the State Committee of Russia, Honored Land manager of Russia. Participation in the dissertation councils: D. 220.02.502 with FSBEU "State University of Land Management". Government awards: the Order "Badge of Honor, medal "For Service to the Fatherland the IV degree". Research interests: Economics of land, land tenure, land management, cadaster. The author of over 200 scientific papers and monographs. Prepared 5 candidates of sciences.
Ovchinnikov Viktor Nikolaevich
Ovchinnikov Viktor Nikolaevich - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Worker of Sciences, Southern Federal University, Russia. The founder of the "theory of evolution and management of economic system development ", scientific school. Provides scientific advice in the management system, training of scientific personnel. Full member (academician) of the International Higher Education Academy of Sciences, the International Academy of Informatization, Russian Ecological Academy, the Academy of Human Sciences, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the Academy of Management and the philosophy of the National Academy of Tourism. Awards: Honorary badge "Honored Worker of Sciences" (1995), the Order of Friendship (2000), the Order of Merit (2006). Prepared 36 doctors of sciences and about 100 candidates of economic sciences. Areas of Expertise: Methodology of Economic Research, the evolution of socio-economic systems, technological and institutional modernization of the economy.
Bespalov Vadim Igorevich
Bespalov Vadim Igorevich - doctor of technical sciences, professor, Don State Technical University, Russia. Graduated from Rostov Civil Engineering Institute, 1981, specialty "Heat supply and ventilation". Participation in the dissertation councils: D 212.028.09, SBEU IN "Volgograd State Technical University". Participation in editorial boards of scientific journals: Scientific journal "Construction and technogenic safety" (Simferopol, Republic of Crimea). Prepared 21 candidates of sciences and 2 doctors of sciences. Research interests: Health and safety, environmental safety of construction and urban management, occupational health and safety. Government awards - Honored Worker of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Russian Federation. Number of scientific publications in study brunch-405.
Mikheyev Pavel Alexandrovich
Mikheyev Pavel Alexandrovich, doctor of technical sciences, professor. Graduated from Novocherkassk Engineering Institute of Reclamation, 1973, water engineer, specialty “hydromelioration”. Participation in editorial boards of scientific journals. A member of the editorial board of the journal "Irrigation and Water Management". Prepared 8 candidates and 1 doctor of sciences. Research interests - Hydraulic Engineering, Land improvement, restoration and protection of land. Government awards - Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia, Honored Worker of Russian agro-industrial complex number of scientific works in the study brunch- 229 works, including 133 hours of scientific articles; 40 patents; 5 monographs; 51research papers.
Nedikova Elena Vladimirovna
Nedikova Elena Vladimirovna, Doctor of Economics, professor. Graduated from Voronezh Agricultural University named after K.D. Glinka, 1993, majoring in Engineering. Research interests- Planning, Environmental Economics, Environmental Engineering. Government awards – Gratitude of Ministry of Agriculture RF. The number of scientific publications in the study brunch- 186.
Marina Vasilievna Rossinskaya
Marina Vasilievna Rossinskaya, doctor of economic sciences, professor. She graduated from Shakhtinski Technological Institute of consumer services, specialty -"Accounting", 1995. Participation in the dissertation councils: Member of Dissertation Council D212.255.02 in specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and management of national economy (management, recreation and tourism) economic sciences, FSBEU Sochi State University. Participation in editorial boards of scientific journals: Member of the editorial board of the journal “Actual problems of economics, sociology and law”. Government awards - Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Russian Federation in 2007. Research interests: Economics of Nature, the regional economy is the author of over 100 works. Prepared 9 candidates of sciences.
Tsopa Natalia Vladimirovna
Tsopa Natalia Vladimirovna, doctor of economic sciences, professor. Graduated from Crimean Institute of Environmental and Resort Construction, specialty- “Manager-Economist”, 1998. Participation in public academies: Academician of Crimean Academy of Sciences (diploma No 339 dated 29.05.2015), Advisor of RAABS . Participation in the dissertation councils: FSBEU "Vernandki CSU” Government awards - awarded with the Honorary Diploma of Crimea State Council Presidium (04.04.2016, No n 216-1 / 16), diploma of the Ministry of Finance, diplomas of FSBEU "Vernandki CSU. Participation in editorial boards of scientific journals: a member of the editorial board of the collection of scientific works "Construction and Environmental Economics", "Construction and technogenic safety" Simferopol. Prepared 2 candidates of economic sciences. The sphere of research interests and expertise: real estate management, real estate development and investment-building complex, organization and management of investment and construction projects. The number of scientific publications in the study brunch- 176 scientific and methodological publications, including 144 scientific papers, 25 teaching publications, 7 monographs.
Novikov Aleksei Alekseevich
Novikov Aleksei Alekseevich, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor. Graduated from Rostov State University, 1980, specialty- “Soil Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry”. Participation in editorial boards of scientific journals - Member of the editorial board of the "Journal of the Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Reclamation" D 06.01.00, Agronomy (06.01.01, 06.01.02, 06.01.03, 06.01.04). Prepared 3 candidates of agricultural sciences. Research interests - soil fertility and soil protection, soil sciences, agricultural chemistry, inventory. The number of scientific publications in the field of study- 165.
Eugeney Valeryanovich Polouektov
Eugeney Valeryanovich Polouektov, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor. Graduated from Rostov State University in 1975 with a degree of pedologist-agrochemist. Research interests: protection of soil from erosion and deflation. The author of over 285 scientific papers, including 83 articles and 17 monographs. He prepared 13 candidates and 2 doctors of sciences.
Alex Sergeivich Tarasov
Alex Sergeivich Tarasov - doctor of economic sciences, associate professor. Graduated from Tselinograd Agricultural Institute, 1978, specialty - "Land managment". Prepared 1 candidate of sciences. Research interest are Agricultural Economics and Land relations. Number of scientific publications-105.
Simonian Tatyana Vladimirovna
Simonian Tatyana Vladimirovna, doctor of economic sciences, professor. Graduated from Rostov-on-Don Institute of National Economy, in 1977, specialty- “Labor Economics”. Government awards: Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation. Participation in the editorial boards of scientific journals: multidisciplinary network electronic journal of Don State Technical University "Young researcher of Don". Research interests: Marketing, Management. Prepared 2 candidates of economic sciences. The number of scientific publications – 86.
Kuznetsov Vladimir Vasilievich
Kuznetsov Vladimir Vasilievich, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Science. Graduated from Rostov Institute of National Economy (RINE), specialty- “Economist”, 1966. Government awards: Honored Worker of Science; Honorable worker of agriculture of Russia; 2 Orders «Badge of Honor" and 1 medal for valor. Participation in editorial boards of scientific journals, "AIC: Economics, Management"; "Scientific Review"; "Scientific Review: Theory and Practice"; "Bulletin of the Don State Agrarian University. Research interests: Economics, organization and management industry, complexes and businesses. The author of over 500 scientific papers. Prepared 28 candidates and 5 doctors of sciences.
Zmiyak Sergey Sergeivich
Zmiyak Sergey Sergeivich, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor. Graduated from “the Russian Presidential Academy of national economy and public administration”, 2002, specialty- word economy. Participation in editorial boards of scientific journals: Komi Republican Academy of Public Administration and Management, “Theory and practice of management”. Research interests: problems of interaction between the labor market and the education market, international labor migration, case studies of socio-economic processes, the problem of youth employment and unemployment, modern aspects of career management, education exports. The number of scientific publications in the brunch of study-79. Prepared two candidates of sciences (without dissertation diffence).
Krohicheva Galina Egorovna
Krohicheva Galina Egorovna - doctor of economic sciences, professor. Graduated from Novocherkassk Engineering - Reclamation Institute, 1984, specialty- Engineer – hydraulics, Rostov State University, 1997, with a degree in “Economist – Accountant”. Participation in editorial boards of scientific journals: "Kant", Stavropol. Research interests: Economic security, accounting, management, taxes and taxation. Prepared 27 PhDs. The number of scientific works in the field of study- 200.
Kolmikov Andrey Vasilievich
Kolmikov Andrey Vasilievich, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor. Graduated from Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, specialty- “Land management”, 1993. Participation in the dissertation councils: Member of the Council for the Defense of theses D 05.30.01 on the specialty 08.00.05 - economics and management of national economy (in industries and activities. Member of the Council for the Defense of theses D 05.30.02, specialty 05.20.01 - technology and means of mechanization of agriculture. Participation in editorial boards of scientific journals: Journal of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy. Research interests: Land, land economics, agricultural economics. The author of over 146 publications.
Juha Vladimir Mikhailovich
Juha Vladimir Mikhailovich, doctor of economic sciences, professor. Graduated from Rostov Institute of National Economy, "Industry Planning", 1979. Participation in the dissertation councils: United dis. Council, FSBEU “Chechen State University” and FSBEU RSEU”. Government awards- Honored Worker of Higher School. Participation in editorial boards of scientific journals: sub. editor of the journal "Vestnik of RSEU. Research interests: Business Economics, Industrial Economics, management, economics of entrepreneurship. The author of more than 250 research papers. Prepared 31 candidates and 5 doctors of sciences.
Kolesnikov Yuri Semenovich
Kolesnikov Yuri Semenovich, doctor of economic sciences, professor. Graduated from Rostov State University, majoring in History,1965. Participation in the dissertation councils: D.212.208.03 in specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and management of national economy (regional economy, innovation management, environmental economics), Southern Federal University. Government awards: "Honored Worker of Higher School", "Order of Friendship". Participation in editorial boards of scientific journals: "News of high schools: North Caucasus", "Scientific Thought of the Caucasus". Research interests: regional economy, management innovation. The author of more than 260 research papers, including 12 monographs. Prepared 42 candidates and 9 doctors of sciences.
Moskalenko Aleksandr Petrovich
Moskalenko Aleksandr Petrovich - doctor of economic sciences, candidate of technical sciences, professor, Don State Agrarian University, Russia. He graduated from Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute, in 1973, majoring in automated control system. Number of candidates / doctors of scienses: 5 candidates. Research interests: Economics and Management in wildlife management, investment planning, systems analysis in environmental management. Number of scientific publications in the study brunch- 170 works in the field of economics and management, water management.
Andryushchenko Olga Gennadievna
Andryushchenko Olga Gennadievna- doctor of Economics, professor, Don State Agrarian University, Russia. Graduated from Novocherkassk Engineering Institute named after A.K. Kortunov, 1993, economics and management in agribusiness industries. Participation in the dissertation councils - D 999.203.02 in Economic Sciences at FSBEU “ Southern Federal University”and FSBEU “Crimean Federal University” named after V.I. Vernadsky. Participation in editorial boards of scientific journals: ”Regional Economy. South Russia”. Number of prepared candidates / doctors: prepared 2 candidates of sciences. Research interests: regional economy, economy and management of enterprises, industries and complexes in the industry number of scientific works in the study brunch- 74.
Gayrabekov Ibrahim Gilanievich
Gayrabekov Ibrahim Gilanievich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Grozny State Oil Technical University, Russia. Graduated from Grozny Oil Institute (STI), 1983. Specialty: engineer-surveyor. Research interests: Research deformations of the earth surface, buildings and structures; Studies accuracy characteristics of geodesic measuring means. Government awards: Honorary Diploma of the President of the Chechen Republic, 2008; Honored Worker of Science of the Chechen Republic, 2011; Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science, 2014; Honorable worker in the sphere of education of the Russian Federation, 2017. The number of scientific publications in the study brunch-140.
Dzhulamanov Tahir Dautkanovich
Dzhulamanov Tahir Dautkanovich - candidate of technical sciences, professor, National Agricultural University, Kazakhstan.
Olgarenko Vladimir Ivanovich
Olgarenko Vladimir Ivanovich, doctor of technical sciences, professor. Graduated from Novocherkassk Engineering Institute, 1959, specialty - Hydrotechnical engineer. Participation in state academies - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Participation in the dissertation councils - Dissertation Council at FSBEUVolgograd SAU, Spec. 06.01.02 "Land improvement, restoration and protection of land". Participation in editorial boards of scientific journals - "Irrigation and Water Management", "Science and Life", "Models and Technology of Environmental (regional aspect)", "Ways to improve the efficiency of irrigated agriculture." "Scientific Research Institute of the Russian journal reclamation problems." Prepared 11 candidates and 1 doctor of sciences. Research interests –Creation and functioning of the reclaimed agricultural land. Government awards - Honored Worker of Science, three bronze medals and one gold medal "Best Labor dynasty" USSR and Russia. The number of scientific publications in the study brunch– 370.
Borovoy Eugene Pavlovich
Borovoy Eugene Pavlovich - doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Higher School, Volgograd State Agricultural University, Russia. Graduated from the Volgograd Agricultural Institute, 1980, hydraulic engineer, FSBEU Volgogradsky SAU, 2016, engineer. Participation in the State Academy: Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of water. Participation in the dissertation councils: a member of the Dissertation Council D 220 008.02 for technical sciences. Number of prepared candidates / PhD: 14 candidates, 1 PhD. Area of interests: Improved techniques and technologies of different irrigation methods for growing crops in Lower Volga. Government awards: Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation. The number of scientific publications in the study brunch-119.
Bakinova Tatyana Ivanovna
Bakinova Tatyana Ivanovna - Doctor of Economics, candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Kalmyk State University, Russia. Graduated from: Moscow Agricultural Academy named after Timiryazev, 1979. Specialty: Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry. Number of prepared candidates / PhD: Prepared four candidates. Research interests: ecology, environmental economics, environmental protection, land management. Government awards: Honorary Land of Russia, Honored Worker of National Economy of the Republic of Kalmykia, Honored Worker of Science of the Republic of Kalmykia. The number of scientific publications in the study brunch- 90.
Loshakov Alexander Viktorovich
Loshakov Alexander Viktorovich, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor. He graduated from the Stavropol State Agrarian University in 2003, majoring in Agronomy. Stavropol State Agrarian University, 2012, land management and cadastre (MA). The Russian Precidential Academy of national economy and public administration, 2017-Law. Research interests: Cadastre and land monitoring, land management, ecology. Government awards: Diploma of the Stavropol regional committee of trade union of workers of AIC; Diploma of Ministry of Education of the UK; certificate of honor of Stavropol Duma; certificate of honor of the Academic Council of the Stavropol State Agrarian University; Diploma of the Ministry of Agriculture Insurance. Published - 131 research papers.
Commissioning editor
Nataliya Moiseevna Vetrova
Nataliya Moiseevna Vetrova – the Doctor of Engineering, the Candidate of Economic Sciences, PhD, professor of the Economy V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University chair.
Aleksandrovskaya Ludmila, A.
Aleksandrovskaya Ludmila, A.,
associate professor of the Land use and land management Department, Novocherkassk Engineering Institute, named after A.K. Kortunova, DSAU, PhD of Economics, associate professor
Olga Yurevna Shevchenko
Olga Yurevna Shevchenko, is Candidate of Economic Sciences, the associate professor, the doctoral candidate, the manager of "Economy of Environmental Management and Inventory" department of the Don state technical university.
Polyakov, Vyacheslav V.,
Polyakov, Vyacheslav V.,Candidate of Economic Sciences,associate professor of "Economy of environmental management and inventory" Department, Don state technical university,
Nadezhda Viktorovna Karpova
Nadezhda Viktorovna Karpova – Candidate of Economic Sciences, the associate professor Ekonomiki of Novocherkassk engineering and meliorative institute of A.K. Kortunov, DGAU.
Victoria Stanislavovna Geydor
Victoria Stanislavovna Geydor is Candidate of Economic Sciences, the associate professor "Economy of environmental management and the inventory" of the Don state technical university.
Ovanesyan, Natalia M.
Ovanesyan, Natalia M., doctor of Economics, professor,
Head of Marketing and Engineering Economics Department, Don State University